Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1st Anniversary of Gotcha Day!

One year ago today Robbie was placed in our arms forever!


It's been an amazing year!
Love you little man!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A year ago today...

A year ago today Derek and I landed in Beijing China!
So strange that a year has gone by in a blink of an eye.
        Thankfully we had an uneventful flight. I know I was extremely tired by the time we got to the hotel and finally got to our room. We were just going to sleep for a bit and then go get some groceries from a local market but we crashed and ended up waking up at 3 am. So much for food and caffeine!
  I remember finally laying down in bed and stretching out. It felt so good. Then panic set in! I realized I was half way around the world from by baby girl! My chest hurt. What  if something happened to her! I could not just jump in the car or hop a plane and be there for her. I knew with all my heart that she was in the best hands in the world with my parents, but it still hurt. Something we had wanted so much for was finally in our reach, our journey to our baby boy, but my heart ached being so far from our daughter. I know I fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

Back to this year...

  Makenna had a bad cold last week and stayed home from school a couple of days. This week was Robbie's turn. I ended up taking him to the walk in at our Doctors office on Thursday night. He sounded like he was drowning in all the mucus in his little head.  We had a rough couple of nights where he had coughed so much he threw up so I was not going through another night of that. He tested negative for the flu. That was good. His ears were red and he was defiantly in pain and very sick. So the Dr. gave us a general antibiotic to knock out whatever it was. I am thankful to say today that I think we are on the mend! I was not feeling so good myself this past week so it was a long week in the Dombeck household.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year

February 10th was when the Chinese New Year fell this year. Last year it was January 23 and that is what delayed our trip to China a bit as we had gotten our TA (travel approval) but couldn't book our CA (consulate appointment) until all the offices opened back up after taking a week off. We were sure we would be able to go with the February 17th (day we had to be in Beijing) travel group but we were unable to book any of our trip just yet.

So back to the real reason for this post!

Happy Chinese New Year! 

This year is the year of the snake.
I am the year of the Tiger, Makenna is the year of the dog and both Derek and Robbie are the year of the Rabbit.

I bought these outfit's in China last year. They wore them one other time for photo's and Makenna likes to wear hears around the house sometimes, but they still fit.

Happy Valentines Day too!!
Makenna had a party at school today. I went in and helped out. They made a friendship fruit salad since they would be getting enough sweets elsewhere. And I got a wonderful card in the mail from my loving husband! I am starting not to like him being gone all week.

Last year we sort of skipped over Valentines day as February 15 we hopped on a plane and headed half way around the world!! It's been an amazing year little man!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The dead of winter in Wisconsin

Winter in Wisconsin...what can I say...I am NOT a fan!!  Lots of snow and cold and I hope this month goes fast.  It will as we celebrate both mine and Robbie's Birthday's as well as the one year anniversary of Gotcha Day for Robbie!!

Makenna didn't have school on Jan. 18th so my Mom and I took the kids to the Great Wolf Lodge in Wisconsin Dells for an overnight stay and 2 days enjoying their water park. It's always 80 inside!!
Makenna is now big enough to ride some the bigger slides with me, that she really enjoyed. Robbie was not so sure about the whole thing. They had the kids wear life vests and he was not a fan of that at all. He went down 1 slide and then was happier to be in the little kids area, where he didn't have to wear the life vest. All in all it was a good trip and the kids really enjoyed it. We also met another adoptive family who had twins from Guatemala and a son from Korea that was just a bit older than Robbie.
Ready to enjoy the water park!

Makenna & Violet

In the lobby after the bedtime story

Snack time in the water park

Yes I am eating a cookie

Bring on the noodles!
Derek had a Birthday last month and his Mom flew home from Texas and we had our family Christmas with her. She picked the coldest week of the year to come back to WI. She did make it back to Texas after a slight weather delay in and having to spend more than 24 hours in Minneapolis. We have had a lot more cold and snow this year than we had last year.

I love Mickey & Minnie
Robbie is doing so good! He is growing and talking more everyday. He is so funny and he knows it!
He is a very good eater and loves to have soup! I think it's so strange that a child that is not even 2 askes to have soup for lunch and eats it all up! He is in love with Mickey and Minnie, as his sister was at this age. So we are planning a Mickey themed Birthday Party for him when he turns 2 later this month.Makenna had a Mickey & Minnie party when she turned 2!

As we approach the one year mark of us traveling to China to bring him home my mind travels back to last February when we were scrambling to get things in order for us to travel. All the waiting and waiting and paperwork that we had to do were finally going to generate the addition to our family that we had waited so long for!

Funny Robbie Story:
  During the supper bowl, which we watched but because the Packers weren't in it we were just watching because it's what you do, there was a commercial for Hardee's that I am sure you all saw. With the lovely model in her bikini eating a fish sandwich.  So as I am sure Derek was watching the model, Robbie was on the couch watching the food! All of a sudden he says really loud "Cheeseburger!" Derek says laughing "Your watching that and all you can think about is the cheeseburger!" Robbie looks at him and says "French Fries too!"  We were all laughing and I thought for sure Derek was going to fall off the couch! What a difference a few years in age makes!!

Makenna started swim lessons the end of January and lost her 2nd tooth. This time the tooth fairy brought her 6 quarters "because she is six" She was so happy!

Today the sun is shining and Derek is taking me out tonight for my Birthday!  Maybe I'll survive this winter yet.