Saturday, February 16, 2013

A year ago today...

A year ago today Derek and I landed in Beijing China!
So strange that a year has gone by in a blink of an eye.
        Thankfully we had an uneventful flight. I know I was extremely tired by the time we got to the hotel and finally got to our room. We were just going to sleep for a bit and then go get some groceries from a local market but we crashed and ended up waking up at 3 am. So much for food and caffeine!
  I remember finally laying down in bed and stretching out. It felt so good. Then panic set in! I realized I was half way around the world from by baby girl! My chest hurt. What  if something happened to her! I could not just jump in the car or hop a plane and be there for her. I knew with all my heart that she was in the best hands in the world with my parents, but it still hurt. Something we had wanted so much for was finally in our reach, our journey to our baby boy, but my heart ached being so far from our daughter. I know I fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

Back to this year...

  Makenna had a bad cold last week and stayed home from school a couple of days. This week was Robbie's turn. I ended up taking him to the walk in at our Doctors office on Thursday night. He sounded like he was drowning in all the mucus in his little head.  We had a rough couple of nights where he had coughed so much he threw up so I was not going through another night of that. He tested negative for the flu. That was good. His ears were red and he was defiantly in pain and very sick. So the Dr. gave us a general antibiotic to knock out whatever it was. I am thankful to say today that I think we are on the mend! I was not feeling so good myself this past week so it was a long week in the Dombeck household.

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