Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our Article 5 Has Been Completed!!!

We received an email overnight that said our Article 5 has been completed and now our agency representative can deliver it to the CCCWA who will then issue our TA (Travel Approval) to come get our son!

My favorite part of the email is where it states:
"We look forward to meeting you and your new family member when you come to the Consulate for your visa appointment!"

With any luck our TA will arrive mid January and we can make our travel plans!

Once again a huge "THANK YOU!" to all who have contributed to help us bring our son home and for the prayers for our family!

The money will be used toward our trip to China. Currently we have sold 202 pieces of the puzzle and every little bit helps out! I have extended our ChipIn on the side to go till the end of January so there is still time if you so desire to contribute. We really appreciate it all!

1 comment:

  1. Very possible we'll all meet in China! What province/SWI is your son in? He's very handsome! How hold is he?

