Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Day!

Derek and I are pleased to announce that we have accepted a referral on a baby boy!!!

We got the call on Tuesday that Holt had a match for us. After getting off the phone I could not wait to see his photo!

Zhang Lian was born February 27th 2011 in Shunagfeng Town China. So he is only 6 months old now. He has been in the orphanage since he was one day old.
We have chosen the name Robert for him in honor of Derek's late father. We will call him Robbie.

Robbie has a ready smile and is close to his caretaker. Which is a good thing that he can form a bond as it will be easier for him to form a bond with us later on. His medical report is from when he was 4 months old and at that time he was able to roll over and hold his head up while lying on his stomach.

We chose to review Robbie's medical report with a doctor who specializes in reading international adoption medical reports. Dr Ochs from Northwestern University in Chicago went over his reports with us and assured us that Robbie has no major medical issues at this time. He does have a red birthmark on his lower abdomen that will more than likely fade over time.

We have asked for more updated information on Robbie to be assured that his development is on track. It may be a while before we get an update from the orphanage.

We are so excited to welcome Robbie to our family!


  1. Yea!!!! I'm so excited for you guys. He is just so handsome and I can't wait to meet him!!

  2. I don't know why, but I can't see the photo of Robbie :o( SENDING YOU ALL TONS OF LOVE & LUCK! xoxo
