Saturday, September 29, 2012

Makenna Turns 6!

Another busy week in the Dombeck household...

We started with Makenna turning 6 on Sunday so we had a big party of family and friends for her at our house. The weather was a little cool but the sun was shining so the kids did get some play time outside.
Makenna also go to be Super Star of the week at school this week. On Monday we filled out a sheet of all her favorites to share with the class, took cookies to school for her class and she also came home with a star sticker on her shirt that said it was her birthday as well as a birthday hat.  Tuesday she took pictures to share with the class, Wednesday I wrote her a letter that the teacher read during snack time, Thursday she got to take 5 things for show and tell and Friday she got to bring a snack and I got to go in and read her favorite book to her class. She had a wonderful week!
6 Candles on the cake

All the cousins and friends at the party
Robbie & Makenna when she got off the bus on Monday

Tuesday we helped my good friend Paula celebrate Adoption Day for her son Marcus!  We attended his adoption hearing and then took the kids to Monkey Joe's to celebrate. Paula's daughter Maddie was adopted 6 years ago and Marcus was placed with her when he was 7 months old and now his adoption day arrived. 
Maddie, Marcus & Makenna

Robbie in the bounce house

Robbie & Mommy
Ready to go hunting Dad!
Robbie has started trying out his little potty in the bathroom this week! He is interested in it so we will see where it goes, I don't expect him to be out of diapers anytime soon but it's a start in the right direction. Derek has started bow hunting and got a doe last weekend. Robbie is also liking his camo attire for fall!

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